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It shall be even bloodier than you hoped.

Dorn Il-Khan is a neutral evil half-orc blackguard and a potential companion.Template:BG:EETemplate:SoDTemplate:BGII:EE

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition


Dorn is available to recruit from Baldur's Gate Chapter 2. You first meet him on the ground level of the Friendly Arm Inn there he scolds you for bothering him, you must later trigger his side quest to invite him to join at the cost of losing 2 reputation points, which is regained when he leaves the party. He will return to the Friendly Arm when he is removed from the party.

Related quests



A half-orc blackguard is a race/class combination off-limits to the player character generation.

His strength of 19 points means that he can serve as a good melee fighter and the best pack mule. His charisma of 16 makes him a decent "face" character for an evil party, granting you a good reaction adjustment and a minor discount on shop prices, matched only by Eldoth and Baeloth in BG:EE.

As a blackguard, his poison weapon ability was immensely helpful in battles with enemy mages, unfortunately this ability has been severely nerfed by later patches in EE, restricting the gameplay strategies and usefulness of both blackguards and assassins, who are the exclusive poison weapon ability users in original games.

Dorn’s passive fear immunity makes him the only companion in game able to quaff Durlag's Goblet without the aid from Kiel's Helmet. Give the helmet to somebody else and you immoderately have two party members who fully healed in seconds, you may also import this combo to SoD to extend its uses

His starting equipment is Splint Mail and a two-handed sword +1, Rancor, which gives him a +1 THAC0 bonus or +2 THAC0 bonus if he kills someone wielding the weapon in 24 hours. His proficiency points are two in each of Two-Handed Swords and the Two-Handed Weapon Style.

In-game biography

When asked about his past, DORN says little. Despite your aid in fighting his former comrades, he seems slow to trust you with much personal information.
From what you can piece together, the merciless half-orc hails from the north. You sense he has been betrayed in the past, and you expect he would exact harsh vengeance on anyone who betrays him in the future. His single-minded goals have left him with few interests or hobbies aside from combat.


Hrmm. A bold choice. Leader
We shall hold here. You look... tired. Tired
You know what they say about idle hands... Hrm, perhaps we should just wait and find out. Bored
This will not be a quick death. Battlecry1
Argh! Damage
Argh! I... cannot fall! Hurt
Ugh! Ohh... oh... Dying
Be direct. Select1
Speak and begone. Select2
I will listen... for now. Select3
Try to keep up. Action1
It shall be even bloodier than you hoped. Action2
Hrmm. Action3


Hrmm. It's about time, <RACE>. Bring me another flagon of ale.
Then why do you bother me? Begone.
Listen carefully, <RACE>. If you continue to pester me, I will crush your neck with my bare hands. Go. Now.
SENJAK! DOROTEA! I swore I would crush the life out of you someday. Today is that day!
"Just following orders" is a coward's excuse, Dorotea. And I haven't forgotten what you said when I refused your advances.
You are both mewling cowards, turning on each other as easily as you turned on me. Half your men are already dead. You'll join them soon.
My name is Dorn Il-Khan, and I was settling an old score. I've been hunting those two for almost a year now. That's two down and two to go.
Very wise, <CHARNAME>. We shall cut a bloody swath across the Sword Coast!
I can hardly believe it. You, the spawn of Bhaal himself! Ur-Gothoz was wise to tie my fate to yours. Think of the rivers of blood we could spill across the realms!
You should embrace this path. What a gift, to have the blood of a dark god coursing through your veins! Do you not see the possibilities? We could silence all who oppose us! No one would dare call my lineage into question!
The source of your divine essence doesn't matter, don't you see? Bhaal is DEAD! I say that the blood of a god is the blood of a god. It matters not from whence it came.
Yes! I can see it now. A great fate awaits you. Do not forget those who have bled for you when you finally ascend.

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear


Dorn is available to recruit from Chapter 9, he's held captive by Caelar's crusaders and you'll find him inside a prison cell in the crusader camp at Boareskyr Bridge. Thankfully, releasing him won't draw hostage attentions from the crusaders, but any items you placed in his inventory prior to his departure in Chapter 7 (SoD) are gone and his level is reset to default.


In-game biography

When asked about his past, DORN IL-KHAN shows little interest in sharing details of his past. That he serves a demonic master is no secret, but beyond his dedication to his patron, Ur-Gothoz, Dorn says nothing about himself. From offhand comments and insinuations, you gather that the half-orc suffered some painful betrayal in the past, an offense he has neither forgiven nor forgotten. According to Dorn, Ur-Gothoz commanded him to seek out and destroy an individual at the crusader camp during the ceremony of the Enlightenment. Dorn attempted this task but was thwarted and imprisoned instead. He now longs for vengeance against those who dared to cage him.


I am not afraid. I am not afraid. I am not afraid. Raaargh! Morale failure
Things could be a great deal worse. Happy
You had best start listening to me. Unhappy-annoyed
Your softhearted altruism is going to get us all killed. Unhappy-serious
I can do better on my own. I was a fool to join with you in the first place. Unhappy-break
Finally, a sensible decision. I'm in charge now. Leader
Even I must rest at times. I insist we camp. Tired
Idle hands are dangerous things. Give me something to do. Bored
I'll carve you to bits! Battlecry1
Rrrrraaaargh! Battlecry2
Die quickly! Battlecry3
This will be bloody! Battlecry4
Run away, if you can. Battlecry5
Argh! Damage
Heal me! Hurt
Dark master... I hear your call... Dying
I've never understood the appeal of woodlands. The green is so monotonous. Forest
The people here would string me up given half a chance. I will give them no chance at all. City
The chill comfort of the underground. I know it well. Dungeon
The glaring sun begins its ascent once more. Day
Night is a friend to those with grim purpose. Night
Be direct. Select1
Yes? Select2
What? Select3
Quickly. Select4


Don't test me.


Try to keep up. Action1
Fine. Action2
If I must. Action3
Speak and begone. Begone far away. Action4
Be careful what you demand of me. Action5
I'm bad. Bad to the bone. Action6
I actually consider myself "half-human." Action7
You died that I may live. Take from that what solace you can. To death-general
Better to die free than live in chains. You are a credit to your kind. To death-specific
Feel the pain! Critical hit
My next swing will hit! Critical miss
My weapon does nothing. Give me another! Target immune
I have my own belongings to carry. I have dropped this. Inventory full
I take what I need. Picked pocket
Hidden in darkness. Hidden in shadows
Fie! My spell fails. Spell disrupted
A trap for the unwary. Set a trap


No mercy for the pawns of Sarevok! Cut them down, every one!
Crusade, Flaming Fist, Shadow Thieves, Harpers, Zhentarim... I care not who is in service to what. Anyone fool enough to stand against me and mine will taste my steel.
To lead, one must instill fear in one's followers. They must know insubordination will cost them more than any enemy ever could.

Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition


Dorn is available to recruit from Baldur's Gate Chapter 2. Travel to the southern part of Temple District, talk to him to let him join, recruiting him will initiate a number of reputation-damaging but rewarding quests.

Related quests


  • Will romance PCs of any race or gender
  • Anomen and Keldorn will both come to blows with Dorn due to the nature of his joining quest.
  • Will have banters with Rasaad, telling him that Ur-Gothoz sees potential within him and offering him power. Rasaad turns him down.
  • Has banters with Neera, telling her that the use of wild magic despite its dangers shows that she has the same destructive streak and lust for power as he does.


At culminating point of his companion quest you acquire the Abyssal Blade, a blackguard-only +3 two-handed sword with additional effects depending on how you chose to complete his quest chain. The effects carry over into Throne of Bhaal.

In-game biography

The half-orc blackguard is a man more comfortable with action than words. When pressed, he gruffly alludes to an act of betrayal that set him upon a bloody path of vengeance with the assistance of his patron, Ur-Gothoz. Since eliminating those who betrayed him, he has continued to spread chaos, death, and destruction at his dark patron's behest. While Dorn seems to revel in carnage and bloodshed, when he speaks of his work for Ur-Gothoz, you believe you detect a note of dissatisfaction in his voice.


I am pleased. Happy
Most disagreeable. Unhappy-annoyed
Do not push me further. Unhappy-serious
NO MORE! Unhappy-break
You have made a wise decision. We will reach new and greater heights under my command. Leader
I grow weary. Tired
There are hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people we could be slaying right now, and we do nothing! Bored
I'll send you to the Abyss! Battlecry1
Death to all who stand against me! Battlecry2
Taste darkness, fool! Battlecry3
Ah! Damage
It'll take more than a scratch to stop Dorn Il-Khan! Hurt
Augh! Go ahead then, you gods of death! Take me! Dying
So peaceful and serene it seems. It is a lie. The leaves and branches hide a savagery we sapients can only aspire to. Forest
The city is no different from the forest—men, dwarves, elves, orcs... we are all beasts. Some just have stronger leashes than others. City
Anything that gets in our way will be buried in this place's rubble. Dungeon
Each day I live is another day I stole from the gods. Day
Glory awaits in darkness. Night
What would you have me do? Select1
I will listen... for now. Select2
Mind your tone. Select3
You have a problem? Select4
You are going somewhere you do not want to be.


Hrm. Yes.


Very well. Action1
I look forward to it. Action2
I will enjoy this. Action3
I will take care of this. Action4
It will be done. Action5
Easily. Action6
A waste of my talents, but so be it. Action7
I've no use for the weak. We are better off. To death-general
Kill them all and have done with it. Select rare1
I am Dorn Il-Khan. I do as I will. You do not give me orders.

Select rare2

Hah! I'll rip you apart, you wheyfaced cur! Critical hit
You were lucky then. But luck runs out. Critical miss
Curse it! Target immune
I am not some beast of burden. I'll carry no more of your trinkets. Inventory full
Who says Dorn Il-Khan is incapable of subtlety? Picked pocket
A blind enemy is a beaten one. Hidden in shadows
Curse the luck! My spell was fouled! Spell disrupted
I will leave our enemies a gift. Set a trap


Who dares insult Dorn Il-Khan? Tell me your name, <PRO_RACE>. Whose blood will slake my blade's thirst?
Yes! The time has come, <CHARNAME>! Fulfill our destinies! Become the new god of murder, and together we will usher in an age of chaos and destruction!


  • Dorn is one of the two only bi-/ pansexual companions in the game and the first officially homosexual character in the entire series. The other one is Captain Schael Corwin.
  • Beamdog's CEO Trent Oster has declared on Twitter that Dorn's portrait is a composite of Nat Jones and himself.


External links
