Baldur's Gate Wiki

Summon Hakeashar is similar to the 6th-level wizard spell Summon Nishruu. The hakeashar, in fact, is a more powerful version of the nishruu, with more Hit Points, better attacks, and immunity to normal weapons.

Like Nishruu, it's still vulnerable to Death Spell and Death Fog.


Summon Hakeashar
By casting the Summon Hakeashar spell, a wizard calls into existence a magical being of considerable power: the hakeashar. At first glance, this appears to be some sort of mist, but upon closer examination, this boiling, churning gray mass of vapors and shapes moves with a life of its own. Drawn toward magic like a moth to the flame, the nishruu feed on the energies surrounding and used by wizards. Luckily, there is no question as to the loyalty of the creature and it will not attack its summoner even though it would like nothing better. The hakeashar has no physical attacks at all, although physical attacks can hurt them. Each time a hakeashar touches a target wizard and wraps its tendrils around him, two things happen: First, all magical items with charges in the possession of the target will be drained by 1 charge, destroying them if only 1 charge was left; second, it causes the wizard to lose 1 random spell of the highest level currently memorized. The hakeashar is completely immune to magic, and magic will actually heal it. The creature will remain under the wizard's control until slain or until the spell's duration expires.

Where to obtain its scroll

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
